Urantia Book Paper 43

The vegetable life is also very different from that of Urantia, consisting of both material and


varieties. The material growths have a characteristic green coloration,

but the morontia equivalents of vegetative life have a violet or

1956 Ten Commandments Burning Bushorchid tinge

of varying hue and


Such morontia vegetation is  purely an

energy growth;

when eaten there is no residual portion. 

Exodus 3

Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, I will go over and see this

strange sight 

why the bush does not burn up. 


“… mortals will find the plant life and everything else pertaining to the morontia existence progressively modified..” -U.B.


Flames of Fire 

“…It had Morontia Flame… but was perceived as a bush that burned… and was not consumed.”